Location Information
- Address
Taharahoncho, Atami-shi, Shizuoka, 413-0011
- Nearest Station
Atami Station
・ Tokaido Shinkansen Line
・ JR Tokaido Main Line
・ JR Ito Line
・ JR Ueno Tokyo Line
1 minute on foot
- Phone Number
0557-85-2222Available languagesonly in Japanese
- Hours
12:00am - 12:00am
Differ with each store
*The following contents were edited by Gurunavi by researching information disclosed on websites.
Please use them for your reference.
Please use them for your reference.
Recommended Spots in Area
- Visiting
- Eating
- Shopping
- Lodgings
Ieyasu no YuAtamiHot Springs (Onsen) & Bath Houses (Sento)
Atami Plum GardenAtamiZoos, Aquariums & Botanical Gardens
Atami RopewayAtamiLandscapes
Himenosawa ParkAtamiParks
Atami Ekimae Nakamisedori ShotengaiAtamiOther Townscapes
Atami Geigi Kenban KabukirenjyoAtamiOther Traditional Culture
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
How To Information