A set of box and small hand drum with flower arabesque design drawn by gold lacquer (comes with a box with gold-lacquered autumn flowers and lavish silver clasps)
花唐草蒔絵小鼓セット 秋草蒔絵箱入 豪華銀金具付Antiques-
880,000JPY (Including tax)
5 result(s)
An Ashiya ware shinnari type teakettle with an eggplant design (cast in Hakata) on a daruma-shaped bronze brazier (cast in Chikuzen, it includes a box with a certificate by Isao Nagano.)
芦屋(筑前) 唐銅達摩形風炉 長野烈 極箱 芦屋(博多) 茄子図 真形釜添え 長野烈Antiques-
2,880,000JPY (Including tax)
An inkstone case with cock-design raised lacquer work on aventurine lacquer (made in late Edo period)
梨地に鶏 高蒔絵 硯箱 江戸後期Antiques-
550,000JPY (Including tax)
Kuro Chawan (made by Ohi Chozaemon IX)
*Kuro Chawan: black tea bowl黒茶碗 九代 大樋長左衛門(作)Antiques-
398,000JPY (Including tax)
A set of box and small hand drum with flower arabesque design drawn by gold lacquer (comes with a box with gold-lacquered autumn flowers and lavish silver clasps)
花唐草蒔絵小鼓セット 秋草蒔絵箱入 豪華銀金具付Antiques-
880,000JPY (Including tax)
Fubuki Natsume made with cloisonné and gold lacquer (a favorite of Enshu)
*Fubuki Natsume: natsume (a powdered tea container) chamfered on the top and bottom遠州好 時代 七宝蒔絵 吹雪棗Antiques-
288,000JPY (Including tax)
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.